Fermented juice - the base for distillation

How to prepare fermented juice

The journey from fruit to refined spirit involves several essential stages.

Fruit harvest

It all starts with the grower’s attention to the fruit itself. The harvested fruit needs to be healthy, fully ripe, and devoid of external impurities. Underripe fruit possesses high tannin and acid content with limited aromatic substances and sugar. This results in an insipid distillate, bland flavour, and very low fermented juice yield. Rotten fruit harbours bacteria and mould, lacks sugar, and ferments inadequately. The yield is minimal, rendering the spirit inedible.

Processing methods differ for various fruit types, yet utmost care is always observed to prevent leaves, twigs, grass, or other impurities from entering the fermented juice.
Spracovanie sa líši pri rôznych druhoch ovocia. Vždy však dbáme na to, aby sa do kvasov nedostalo lístie, konáriky, tráva a iné nečistoty.

Fruit Processing

Following harvest, the fruit undergoes processing. It’s essential to finely mash or grind the fruit. Thorough mashing or grinding is crucial. Failing to do so could lead to poor multiplication of yeast cells and the formation of air pockets between fruit pieces, fostering mould growth.

Fruit Juice Fermentation

We fill around 80% (4/5) of the barrels with the processed fruit, ideally at once or within 1-3 days. It's not recommended to mix different fruits or add fresh fruit to the fermented batch. Adding yeast and nutrient salt (especially in autumn fermentation) is advisable. Stir the yeast before sealing the container and then refrain from further interference. Hermetically seal the fermenters with a lid and affix a fermentation airlock on top. Place the fermenter in a room with stable temperatures (between 15 and 20 °C).

For fermentation, the most suitable containers are made of plastic, glass, or stainless steel. Avoid using plastic containers that have stored various chemicals or glues.


During fermentation, yeast transforms sugar into alcohol and produces CO2, acting as a barrier against vinegar bacteria and moulds (hence, airtight sealing of fermenters is vital). CO2 release during fermentation brings solid fruit parts to the surface, forming a “yeast cap.” This cap should not be stirred into the fermented juice, as it prevents the entry of air and unwanted microorganisms. Additionally, it prevents alcohol evaporation. With a fermentation airlock, you can observe CO2 release through bubbling of the water in the airlock. The process is complete when the airlock stops bubbling, the fermented juice emits a healthy aroma, and lost its sweetness.

The fermentation process comprises three primary stages:

Initiation of fermentation
Active fermentation
Conclusion of fermentation / finishing fermentation

The duration of fermentation varies based on the fruit type. In our climate zone, two categories of fruits are recognised:

Summer fruits
Winter fruits

Summer fruits ferment for a span of 3 - 6 weeks. Autumn fruits ferment for a span of 8 - 12 weeks (depending on the temperature).

Once fermentation concludes, the barrels are securely sealed unless immediate distillation is feasible..

If you choose to embark on your own liquor-making journey, adhering to best practices for initiating and maintaining fermentation is essential. The effort will be rewarded by excellent spirits from your own harvested produce. And last but not least: It’s prudent to book our distillery well in advance, particularly during high seasons like autumn when the distillery’s availability could be fully booked for several weeks. Please note, if booking during these times, you may expect a wait until January for the distillation of the fermented juice. After distillation, allow the spirit to aerate and settle for a few days to refine its flavour and aroma.

Orientačná tabuľka kvasenia rmutu a alkoholického výťažku po jeho vypálení
Druh ovocia Cukornatosť extraktu Priemerný čas na kvasenie, resp. na dokvášanie / týždne Alkoholický výťažok zo 100 kg ovocia v LAA, resp. v litroch 50% detsilátu Ovocie v kg na 70 l rmutu Ovocie (celé) v litroch
Slivky 18 - 22 4 - 8 4 4 - 4,5 8 - 9 78 105
Poloslivky 15 - 18 4 - 8 4 3 - 4 6 - 8 77 106
Mirabelky 10 - 15 3 - 5 3 2,5 - 4 5 - 8 80 104
Duzanzie 15 - 22 3 - 4 3 4 - 5 8 - 10 77 103
Slivy 9 - 14 4 - 5 4 2,5 - 4 5 - 8 76 107
Čerešne 10 - 18 2 - 3 1 3 - 4 6 - 8 78 102
Višne 8 - 16 2 - 3 1 3 - 4 6 - 8 79 103
Marhule 8 - 11 2 - 3 1 2 - 3 4 - 6 71 112
Broskyne 8 - 10 2 - 3 1 2 - 3 4 - 6 75 123
Jablká 10 - 15 5 - 10 4 - 5 2,5 - 4 5 - 8 74 140
Hrušky 8 - 15 4 - 8 3 - 4 2 - 4 4 - 8 77 117